Before you implement growth strategy, get a handle on your cash flow. If need be, improve it by following some of these eight tips. How you manage cash flow is one of the most important factors to the growth and wealth of your business. After all, the cash that comes in and out of your… Read More
Protect your business. Take advantage of your good fortune now to prepare for lean times using these six strategies. Your business is strong and you’re likely in a great financial position. However, prosperous times can’t last forever. Every business owner will experience slow periods and downturns. It’s just the nature of business and our economy…. Read More
Attract better financing options during your next capital raise with a current business plan. As we’ve mentioned in other blogs, business plans are important for many reasons. The most obvious one is to outline your business goals and map out the plan for achieving those goals. However, some executives and CEOs don’t realize business plans… Read More
Are you excited and a little nervous about funding your buildout project? Here are some important factors to consider when deciding how to finance a buildout. A new buildout project often feels like an exciting fresh start. After all, you’re either rejuvenating your current space or making your new space feel great by designing it… Read More
Need money for your business? Here’s how to evaluate whether a credit line or term loan is right for you. If finding the right loan to finance your business seems overwhelming, if you have ever been denied by a bank for funding, or if you didn’t receive the amount of funding you needed, then join… Read More