Setting personal goals in the New Year is the thing to do. However, for CEOs, COOs, and business owners, it’s absolutely necessary for growth. Consider adding these nine goals to your 2020 growth strategy. It’s the New Year and many businesses are setting business goals for 2020. Most goals will center around growing their companies…. Read More
Develop your leadership and management skills and improve your business relationships by being challenging. It may seem contradictory, but being challenging at work—in very specific ways—can actually help your business succeed. Most leaders feel a bit uncomfortable delivering criticism to employees or giving difficult feedback to clients but relaying constructive criticism is absolutely necessary for… Read More
Boost your confidence and get the most out of networking by following these tips. Have you attended a networking event only to feel like you didn’t get much from it? Do you ever feel uncomfortable or anxious at a networking event? If you said, “yes”, that’s okay! Many entrepreneurs and business owners are intimidated by approaching a complete stranger and engaging them in conversation. For some, especially introverts, it… Read More
Need encouragement or looking to improve your leadership skills? Read these inspiring books recommended by 10 top CEOs. Books inspire, motivate, produce thought change, and allow for relaxing (yet productive!) downtime, so it’s not surprising top CEOs and business owners make reading a priority for personal and professional growth. Top CEOs view reading not only as a source of entertainment and relaxation but also as a means of exploring different… Read More
Get informed, motivated, or inspired. Consider adding one of these 9 podcasts to your queue. A growing number of CEOs and business owners are finding podcasts extremely helpful for both their professional and personal lives. According to Edison Research, there are an estimated 73 million Americans listening to podcasts on a monthly basis and the majority of them are professionals working full-time.